JSON Repo Documentation 1.0 Help

Item Names


This json contains a dictionary of key: value pairs, with the keys being itemIds, with the values being dictionaries containing item Name and mixID.

Only items that have been data-mined / are in-game have been mapped, except for the starting Liberator, Peacemaker, and G-12 High Explosive, for which we don't have proper itemIds for, so they have been assigned itemIds of 3, 4, and 2 respectively.

{ "2": { "name": "G-12 High Explosive", "mix_id": "2" }, "3": { "name": "AR-23 Liberator", "mix_id": "3" }, "4": { "name": "P-2 Peacemaker", "mix_id": "4" }, "34232232": { "name": "SC-30 Trailblazer Scout", "mix_id": "34232232" } }
Last modified: 23 April 2024